Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What does 'natural hair' mean?

Typically, in the African American community natural hair is hair that is not chemically altered. Chemicals can be found in products such as relaxers and texturizers. A relaxer is a type of cream that is applied to tightly curled/kinky hair textures to make the hair straighter. A texturizer is also a type of cream; however, it doesn't straighten the hair to the extent that a relaxer does. Texturizers loosen the hair cuticle's texture. Because of its milder chemical effect and temporary commitment, some people choose texturizers over relaxers. Both relaxers and texturizers prevent the hair from reverting back to its natural texture even if it is raining, and there is high humidity weather. For a visual representation of the difference between relaxed and texlaxed hair, below are a few pictures.


 Figure 1 (relaxed hair on the left, texlaxed hair on the right)

Source retrieved from Youtube channel titled JourneyToWaistLength


Figure 2 (unrelaxed hair on the left, relaxed hair on the right)

Source retrieved from:


Figure 3 (texlaxed hair on the left, untexturized hair on the right)

Source retrieved from:

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